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Clients and Designers

2010/01 Michael Bierut from CreativeMornings on Vimeo.
If you're a designer, or even someone who may use the services of a designer in the near future, this is essential viewing. Designer/client relationships are a subject that gets talked about a lot—unfortunately, mainly negatively by designers—but Michael Bierut talks in an easy, down-to-earth way about the best and worst ways clients interact with designers and vice versa. Amazingly informative.


MAKE said...

Testing, TESTINGTesting, TESTINGTesting, TESTINGTesting, TESTINGTesting, TESTINGTesting, TESTINGTesting, TESTINGTesting, TESTINGTesting, TESTING

MAKE said...

Another test, Another test, Another test, Another test, Another test, Another test, Another test, Another test,

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